The Lucky Albatross Tavern and Inn are always open for business, and is a cozy place that is welcome to any and every kind of persons no matter their race or social standings. From the outside, on the bustling cobblestoned streets the onlooker would observe a grand building of white washed wood with starkly contrasting dark brown wooden accents. A sign swinging in the breeze, strung from coarse thick rope would read in ebony letters The Albatross Tavern and Inn. To each side of those words, an albatross flying with an ace of spades in its beak and a horseshoe around its neck. Once inside, the patron is greated with the calm warm glow of many candles and oil lanterns illuminating the deeply hued, polished wooden interior. The main room is large and takes up more than two-thirds of the inn space on ground level and is isolated from the storage by a bar for those wishing to take a pause and enjoy a pint and perhaps some company. At the south wall is a stone hearted fireplace. On the east side near the center of the wall are winding stairs leading up to the rooms open to rent for any amount of nights at the right price. Menu is as follows: The Lucky Albatross Tavern proudly serves Gi'Noden wines, from nearby Gi'Noden's Vineyard. Blackwoods Ale and Dragon's breath Stout are on tap. Red wine, bloodwyne, whiskey, mead, and a varied selection of other potents are also available; wassail is made for the Yule season.
Beef stew and vegetable soup are always served with fresh bread with cheese or butter. On weekends, roast beef, venison, ham, goose, pheasant or duck are available. |
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